Authoring a Logical Entity This post is related to the second modding tutorial you can find [ here ]. This is a very important tutorial as it's a real introduction to Mod programming in Valve's Source, and if you understand it you will be able to do more complex stuff. Exploring this tutorial is not clear what is it purpose or how can you test it. That's the purpose of this post, make it clearer. Please note, there's not a single example of how can you use the entity or where it can be useful. I will help on that. Go through the tutorial and, when you have completed the Build process, go back to this post. I will just mention a couple of things may help you with this process. 1. Although there's no mention about that, it's good if you start with the mod you just created in previous tutorial. 2. the sdk_logicalentity file name can be any other, what really matters is the following line: LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( my_logical_entity, CMyLogicalEntity ); Where you link ...