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Showing posts from January, 2009

Fallout 3

Year has ended and so I finished playing Fallout 3. I enjoyed a lot this game. I have few thing to say about it. The story is well constructed and the environment is really cool. I've been before in D.C, and the post-apocalyptic landscape looks terrifying in Fallout 3. Two things impression me: First, loading times. Game start pretty quick, and reloading a saved game or changing to a different level/screen is fast. Probably faster than any other game I've played lately. Second, graphics have the best quality you can find in 2008 games. As you can see above, characters are well detailed. I have to criticize that characters lack of emotion. They look the same when they are happy or sad, angry or laughing. This sometimes confuses the player, specially when you want to decide the next chat action. Playability is good and controls are easy to handle. The V.A.T.S feature give a different dimension to the game, turning battles into cinematic shots; even sounds seem to go in slow motio...

Embedded database - SQLite

First of all .... H A P P Y N E W Y E A R ! ! ! I whish you dear readers the best of all during this 2009 (Although It didn't start good in Middle East and Africa). -- Political crap start here -- My whish for 2009 is that all religion Gods meet some day and kick some bad humans asses (i.e. Mr. B, Mr. Ch and Mr. Uribe)! -- Political crap end here -- When building applications, one of the main issues is the data storage. If you take a look at C++, persistence is not part of the specification so, use third party components. Serialization is a good way to convert objects directly to a binary data and saving in files or being transferred through a network. Building systems doesn't mean only storing data. Storing seem to be an easy task for C++ but, what about data management? That's a different subject and, if you want to administer data II can think of two ways: - Build your own code to read/write and manage files (add, remove, and link objects). Moreover, you hav...