When I installed Ubuntu, I found that the mp3 coded was not available due to licensing issues.
I installed the codec, and some music applications under Linux, but I was really missing the simplicity and power of Winamp.
Seaching on the Internet I found a great application which runs under linux and is similar to Winamp. So similar that you can even apply the winamp skins.
This is the application link:
Installing was pretty straightforward:
Add the Audacious repository by editing the /etc/apt/sources.list and adding the following lines:
deb http://static.audacious-media-player.org/ubuntu edgy main
deb-src http://static.audacious-media-player.org/ubuntu edgy main
Then updating the repository:
apt-get update.
apt-get install audacious.
That's all.
Note: For Ubuntu, I downladed the debian package (For some reason the ubuntu package didn't work)